Thursday, September 08, 2005

Podcast Under Construction...

My buddy Paul Frederick and I decided to create a podcast. I don't want to say "join the podcast wagon" because that's a cliche already and besides it just sounds dumb.

What are we gonna talk about? Well, we love (and hate) films. Usually the same film. We seldom agree, and as a result, we tend to have some heated debates.

Take Sin City, for example...

Paul, who happens to be one of my netflix buddies, wrote this to me recently...
As for Sin City, I see you gave it 2 stars...are you whacked man?!?! That is one cool, kick ass movie with an AWESOME look to it. Rodriguez is, I think, the modern day equivalent to the seventies brat pack of filmmakers. He's doing it all on his own at his own facility for next to nothing compared to the rest of la-la land. I'm not saying his movies are as good as say "The Godfather" or anything but he's taking risks and doing it HIS way. Gotta love that.

Sin City is cool, nothing intelectual, no happy ending...just over the top cartoon action/violence done in one of the coolest looks since "Sky Captain and the World of...." oh yeah, forgot, you don't like anything that strays from the standard Hollywood glam! Tell me, what Rom-com are you watching tonight :)
This was my reply:
I hated Sin City. The story sucked, and the cartoonish nature of it all got boring after 15 minutes. Sure, I can appreciate Rodriguez's maverick indie cred, but there's no way you're gonna convince me that those spy kids movies are anything but crap. Actually, everything he's made since El Mariachi has been total crap, especially Desperado and Once Upon a Time in the West (which was unwatchable). If you haven't seen El Mariachi, rent it now. See what he was capable of before they threw money at him.
To which Paul said,
I really beg to differ on Sin City. It was truly like watching a comic book come alive. I found every image to be captivating. The sound was great with creative use of sounds placed around the room. Bottom line, it was fun to watch!

As for the Spy Kids flicks, they obviously weren't made for us. Kids love them, (except for the 3rd one!) and he built his empire with the profit those brought in. I didn't think Desperado was too bad, it was beautifully edited. El Mariachi was a work of pure frenetic energy and to this day I think the chase sequence down the street was one of the best I've seen.
And my short retort:
Style over substance, man. That's all I'm gonna say about Sin City, Sky Captain, and you.
I love my buddy Paul, and I can't wait to start podcasting with him. I think we're gonna call it DORKCAST, since that's what we are: two dorks talking about movies, tv, music, gaming, the internet, tech stuff, whatever. You know, the usual suspects.

I've sent Paul out to buy a USB headset. As for me, I'm gonna fire up Skype and GarageBand on my mac mini (that was a gift from my lovely, gorgeous wife), and start creating a themesong.

Look for us soon.

Dominic Cordisco

PS: Check out the website for Paul's popular TV show, The Hidden Adirondacks, which can be found on several PBS stations throughout the Northeast USA. I've got a website for my workplace, but I hate it so I ain't gonna show you. Nope. It's a lame site, and besides, I hate my photo. And don't go googling it either, please!


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