Friday, February 24, 2006

Yes, it's a new post.

Dominic here. I'll be travelling north to pig farm country to visit Paul next weekend to (1) watch the Oscars in Paul's most excellent home theater, (2) make a new podcast -- or videocast -- with Paul, and (3) play lots of Halo.

Actually, we better not play Halo as it's a huge timesuck.

Sorry there haven't been any new podcasts lately. We've had a combination of technical difficulties and scheduling conflicts. Those should be cleared up soon, and we will take advantage of being together to make at least a quick podcast, although I've got my sights set on a nice high-def videocast, courtesy of Paul!

As for the Oscars, be sure to send your predictions to We'll be sitting there with our jujubes and fresh made caramel popcorn seeing who guessed better than us.

In the meantime, here's a couple tidbits for you all:

1. NightWatch has opened in New York, and it's a crazy ride. said the running time was 3:38, and so I prepped my wife and friends who went with me to expect a four hour russian vampire movie. When 1:30 had elapsed, and it felt like the movie was coming to a head, I leaned over to my buddy and said, "It's not even half way over!" But, alas, moviephone did me wrong, and it turns out that NightWatch is only 1:40 or so long. But it was lots of fun while it lasted, and I'm definitely ready to buy my tickets to the two sequels, DayWatch and DuskWatch, when they come out.

2. Silent Hill, the PlayStation game (yes, I know it's on other platforms, but Sony had it first!), is being made into a movie. I'm creeped out already.

See you soon.
