Tuesday, September 27, 2005

If you're still waiting for iTunes to list DORKCAST...

...you can stream it (or download it) now.

The audio file is available at http://www.3ape.com/dorkcast/DorkCastEpisode1MP3.mp3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Awesome job with the podcast!

It's great to actually HEAR the discussions you guys were having on this blog.

I need to go see Corpse Bride (perhaps this weekend?) but I agree that the trailers made it look like Nightmare Before Xmas 2. Glad to hear it's not.

Anyway, good luck with the new Mac. I'm extremely jealous. I used to be a die-hard mac user, but have slowly shifted into the 'working' world where you just cant get the right software for the mac.

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As with Alan, my media player spits out dorkcast like the bit of wrapper that's stuck to the sweet.

However my PSP plays it fine.

Yaaay \o/

Do you guys take requests?
Dog ville?
The Wall?

So when's the next one out?

p.s:Dom I heard who already got a cameo! I've checked my PMs but I assume your site acces is down somehow as Ive' not got an invite in there yet.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Dominic Cordisco said...

Dogville? Ok, ok, I like foreign films as much as the next red blooded american, but 3 hours of watching Nicole Kidman get physically, mentally and sexually abused by people wearing depression-era clothing?

Um, no seconds for me!

9:47 AM  

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